Can We Still Rest? Gaining a Balance Between Work and Leisure

If we’re constantly occupied, we strip our lives of the essential rhythm it requires: a healthy cyclical contrast between doing and “not doing.” However, in a culture of overwork, we are exposed to the risk of occupational burnout, which has become a civilization disease. As work consumes a significant portion of our lives, this requires reflection. The prevalence of chronic work-related stress and the imbalance between work and personal life calls for reevaluating our approach to work and leisure. Rest, once considered a natural element of life, is a challenging task today in the face of relentless digital distractions. Embracing new ideas like four-day workweeks and other unconventional solutions while prioritizing meaningful work and personal well-being can help us gain a healthier balance in our lives. Even Socrates warned about living perpetually overburdened lives.