Articles from the #aifuture series
Opportunities and threats to humanity associated with introducing and spreading artificial intelligence
(AI) systems in the digital transformation era called the fourth industrial revolution.
Do Not Fear Artificial Intelligence, Take Care of It
AI’s Double-Edged Sword: Innovation versus Security
The Megabit Bomb: Show Me Your Digital Footprint, and I Will Tell You Who You Are
How Big Tech Billionaires Are Selling Us Narratives of the Past
My Robotic Boyfriend: Will Humans Fall for Robots?
Are We Facing a Jobless World? An Interview with Bartłomiej Brach, PhD
A Pause for Consideration: AI Development to Be Put on Hold?
Will We Succeed in Regulating the Electronic-services Market? What Difference Will the Digital Regulations Introduced by the European Parliament Make?
The Creatives Will Be Fine: ChatGPT vs. the Human Brain – an Interview with Prof. Maciej Błaszak, PhD
Artificial Intelligence in Education