Articles from the #holistic series
Texts which touch upon the essence of humanity and humanism, constituting a view of the world from
the perspective of the most essential values and the purpose of human existence.
First intuition, then culture
Cavatina Philharmonic Orchestra: “We Shall Play with Passion” (part 2)
Cavatina Philharmonic Orchestra from Bielsko-Biała in Poland Is Going to Make it Big (part 1)
Change as the Essence of Life: Exploring Identity through the Thoughts of Osho, Tokarczuk, and Nietzsche
Understanding and Overcoming Shame: A Glimpse into the Psychology of Emotion
From Defeat to Self-Discovery: How Modern Individuals Confront Extreme Situations in the Spirit of Karl Jaspers’ Philosophy
From the Series “Conversations about Life”: How I Am